Momentum is the ultimate trading tool-kit. We provide every tool necessary to navigate your way through the market with ease.
Watch Kev trade the highest quality stock setups in the market, in real-time, everyday of the week 9:00AM - 11AM ET.
Trade for freedom. No kidding! Most trades occur within the first hour of the market being open! Stop wasting time staring at charts all day creating huge red days. Stick to what works.
Unlike other services, we walk you through the "how" and "why" behind every trade as it's taking place, in real-time. We want to teach you how to trade profitably on your own.
Wins, Losses, you'll see it all. We want you to learn risk management and discipline at it's core. No false expectations, just leading by example.
Each evening, we share a laser-focused list based on professional analysis, helping you prepare for the stocks that are primed to make a big move. Every bit of detail is provided so you aren't left guessing.
With the help of our nightly stock watchlists, you'll never feel lost when the market opens again. Thorough, precise trading ideas provided to you before the next day, without skipping beat.
We only provide the best of the best trading setups. We don't believe in throwing a million darts at a board hoping one will stick. We pride ourselves in precision.
We send out our viral watchlist to your device every night around 8PM EST after the market closes.
Can't make it to the stream? No worries! We send entries and exits to your device in full detail.
Get real-time, precise buy and sell signals for day trading, ensuring you capture the best entry and exit points with our day trading alert service.
Our day trading alerts prioritize quality over quantity, providing you with high-value trading signals to maximize your returns in the stock market.
With our day trading alert service, you'll avoid the common mistake of chasing market trends, instead making informed, strategic decisions with our trading alerts.